Harry Gray's Old Wagon

Sited in the most idyllic spot on the south shore of Poole Harbour at Ower Peninsula this stately old wagon was once the home of famous Showman, Harry Gray. Now let for holidays the current owner asked us to replace the rotten bay window and also to re-make the bowed glass front door piece broken by a clumsy chicken.
Quite possibly the trickiest commission to date this one was a real challenge.
We had to make a new bay window in a skewed and unevn opening to house 6 pieces of bowed cut and bevlled glass. Reverse engineering at its most difficult.

We sent the broken glass to Aaron Valentine of Carter's Steam Fair in Essex to re-make for us.
It had to be bevelled 1st, then cut before slumping to get the correct curve.
He did a great job!

Harry Gray was a famous Showman, we believe the wagon pictured above may be the Showman's in this image of Harry Gray's fair at its wintering ground inEssex.
